Our mixed portfolios consist of worldwide equities and investment-grade, euro-denominated traditional and designated green and social bonds issued by listed companies, semi-public institutions and EU governments. This strategy offers three funds, each with a specific risk-return profile.
We build our mixed portfolios in two steps:
- Strategic asset allocation results in a neutral portfolio consisting of bonds and equities with an allocation equal to that of the reference index
- Tactical asset allocation then leads to the desired bond and equity allocations within set bandwidths based on our macro-outlook. Furthermore, regional and sector weights as well as duration are actively managed
The portfolio companies and the proceeds of the impact and corporate bonds contribute to one or more of the following vital transitions:
Through integrated financial and sustainability analysis we identify the drivers of a company’s long-term value creation and assess the impact of ESG materiality on these drivers. Additionally, the companies we invest in must comply with Triodos' Minimum Standards. It is our policy to vote at the shareholder meetings of all companies in which we are invested. View our Stewardship page.