Codes and Principles
We base our fund governance code on the Principles of Fund Governance which are drafted and published by the Dutch Fund and Asset Management Association (DUFAS). Triodos IM is a member of DUFAS.
In addition Triodos IM is a signatory to the United Nations Principles on Responsible Investment, see report; fulfils the transparency code as set by EUROSIF, see reports for Triodos Global Equities Impact and Pioneer Impact Funds, Triodos Euro Bond Impact Fund and Triodos Sterling Bond Impact Fund, Triodos Impact Mixed Funds and Triodos Future Generations Fund; and complies with the best practice guidelines of Eumedion apart from best practice 5.
Regarding best practices 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 and 9, see our impact equities and bonds investment strategy, our impact equities and bonds Investment & Stewardship Policy, our minimum standards, our latest impact reports, our proxy voting guidelines and our proxy voting ballots, which you can find on our Stewardship page. Triodos IM publishes its engagement policy and practices. We thereby fully comply with the best practice guidelines of Eumedion. Regarding best practice 10, Triodos IM does not make use of share lending and borrowing.
Triodos IM takes measures to prevent, minimise and limit conflicts of interest from occurring and has implemented a conflict of interest policy.
Climate-related risks can potentially have a large financial impact on the losses of financial institutions. The purpose of the Climate-related Risk Disclosures is to present how climate-related risks and opportunities are organised in processes and procedures, considering both the physical and the transition risks.