How investing in equities and bonds generated positive impact in 2023
Read the Impact ReportsImpact figures
5key engagement topics, including plastic pollution and hazardous chemicals
97%less non-recycled waste than the benchmark
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Explore how Triodos Impact Mixed Funds made a difference in 2023
In the spotlight
Lilia Feghiu presents the outcomes from our second round of engagement on hazardous chemicals in 2023, with chemical companies Evonik and Shin-Etsu. This round focused on synthetic, highly toxic per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, or PFAS - a topic that is making the headlines very regularly.
Transparent investing
Explore our interactive world map to see how each of the Triodos Impact Mixed Funds investments contributes to a green, inclusive and resilient economy.
Read the Impact Report
Explore how Triodos Impact Mixed Funds made a difference in 2023
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