
Invested through
  • Hivos-Triodos Fund
Asset ClassesPrivate debt
Impact strategyEnergy and Climate
Aligned with SDGs
  • No poverty

Kenya-based SunCulture is a great example of an innovative company that is active on the nexus of renewable energy and agriculture, using solar energy to increase farmers’ incomes.

The company offers productive off-grid solar use for smallholder farmers. Its flagship products are high-quality yet affordable solar irrigation pumps that can pump water from as deep as 100 meters to use for crop irrigation and livestock rearing, as well as domestic uses. Through SunCulture’s Pay-As-You-Grow facility, it becomes easier for farmers to purchase SunCulture’s products through an innovative leasing scheme.

In the coming years, SunCulture will expand its activities to other Sub-Saharan countries.