Invested through |
Asset Classes | Listed equity & Corporate bonds |
Impact strategy | Impact Equities and Bonds |
ISIN code | XS1485532896 |
Industry group | Communication Services |
Aligned with SDGs |
KPN is a leading telecommunications and IT provider in the Netherlands. The company operates through the following segments: Consumer, Business, Wholesale & Network, Operations & IT. The Consumer segment provides fixed and mobile networks for telephony, broadband and television for retail customers. The Business segment provides small-, medium-, and large-size business customers a portfolio of services including fixed and mobile telephony and internet. The Wholesale & Network segment offers third party telecom providers access to its widespread fixed and mobile networks. The Operations & IT segment provides business customers with IT services such as cloud, security and workspace, and solutions in core connectivity. KPN has more than 10,000 employees and is headquartered in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
Investment rationale
Telecommunications technology enables people to connect with each other which is key for inclusion and empowerment in this increasingly digital society. The core products and services of KPN enable connectivity through mobile phone, internet connections and fixed phone lines. The COVID-19 pandemic has shown how essential good mobile phone and internet connections are, whether it be for working from home, home schooling, teleconferencing, e-commerce and staying in touch with each other.
The focus on social inclusion is emphasised in KPN’s activities to connect everyone in the Netherlands to a sustainable future. Examples of this are projects initiated by the company that promote social contact and combat loneliness among elderly people and that enable chronically ill children to stay in touch with their class. The company also provides training to ensure safety for children when connecting to the internet. KPN also commits to reducing its environmental footprint, by setting targets to have net zero emissions by 2040 and by adopting circular economy principles through setting zero waste targets and designing products with recycled materials. Furthermore, KPN’s products and services help avoid emissions as, for example, teleconferencing limits travel and Internet of Things solutions enable better energy management.
Alignment with Triodos Transitions: In total 49% of the revenues of the company is aligned with one or more Triodos Transitions. 49% of revenues is aligned with the Societal Transition and 1% of revenues is aligned with the Wellbeing Transition.
The contribution to the Societal Transition comes from 49% of revenues related to the impact objective Access to Communication. The contribution to the Wellbeing Transition comes from 1% of revenues related to the impact objective Health Care.