Invested through |
Asset Classes | Listed equity |
Impact strategy | Impact Equities and Bonds |
ISIN code | US4824801009 |
Industry group | Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment |
Aligned with SDGs |
KLA Corporation produces and distributes semiconductors. The company offers surface profilers, nanomechanical testers, chips and semiconductor assembly solutions. KLA markets its products in the United States.
Investment rationale
KLA is a theme fit for Innovation for sustainability. KLA mainly delivers a positive impact by making the chip manufacturing process more efficient. This is important given that chips are necessary for technological advancement of almost any electronic device (e.g. EV, healthcare machinery, solar panels, etc) and that chip production requires very high amount of energy.
KLA offers process control and yield management solutions (~100% sales). The data this generates is used to detect inefficiencies and waste, which are then optimised or even eliminated. Through the acquisition of Orbotech, KLA can now do the same for the production of electronics (PCBs) and displays (FPDs). As such, KLA's machines enable a more sustainable production of chips and related products, and helps semiconductor manufacturers achieve higher yield and reliability throughout their fabrication processes, from R&D to ramp-up and final volume production.
From a process point of view, KLA enables customers to reuse equipment and focuses on reducing its own environmental footprint. Key areas of focus are materials & packaging, transport, emissions & waste, water usage and diversity.
Alignment with Triodos Transitions: 100% of the company's revenues is aligned with the Resource Transition. The contribution to the Resource Transition comes from 100% of revenues related to the impact objective Circular Economy.