Flemish Community

Brussels, Belgium
Invested through
  • Triodos Impact Mixed Fund - Neutral
  • Triodos Euro Bond Impact Fund
  • Triodos Multi Impact Fund
  • Triodos Impact Strategy Fund - Defensive
  • Triodos Impact Strategy Fund - Balanced
  • Triodos Impact Strategy Fund - Offensive
Asset ClassesImpact bonds
Impact strategyImpact Equities and Bonds
ISIN codeBE0002622034
Aligned with SDGs
  • No poverty

Triodos invests in regional government bonds from EU member states and the UK. We only select subsovereigns from countries that have no involvement in international sanctions, and that have signed and ratified international conventions on controversial weapons, human rights, labour rights, and the environment. This includes the International Labour Organization (ILO) conventions (e.g. on child labour, and forced labour), the international convention on civil and political rights, the biological and chemical weapon conventions, the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons treaty, the Paris Climate Agreement, and the convention on biological diversity, amongst others.

Investment rationale

Issued by the regional government of Flanders, the bond finances both green and social projects in the Belgian region of Flanders. These projects are in line with the sustainable development objectives Flanders has set for 2050. The proceeds will primarily be used to increase energy efficiency of both new and existing buildings such as schools and social housing. 60% of the proceeds is allocated to the construction and renovation of public primary and secondary school buildings, with a priority for school buildings in locations with a shortage of school places.
Other projects financed by the bond are the construction and renovation of more than 4,500 social housing dwellings, providing people with lower incomes with more energy efficient houses and lower energy bills.

Alignment with Triodos Transitions: In total 100.0% of the proceeds of the impact bond is aligned with one or more Triodos Transitions. 60.0% of proceeds is allocated to the Wellbeing Transition, 35.0% of proceeds is allocated to the Societal Transition and 5.0% of proceeds is allocated to the Energy Transition.

The contribution to Wellbeing Transition comes from 60.0% of proceeds allocated to Access to Essential Services: Education.
The contribution to Societal Transition comes from 35.0% of proceeds allocated to Affordable Housing.
The contribution to Energy Transition comes from 5.0% of proceeds allocated to Energy Efficiency.