
Invested through
  • Hivos-Triodos Fund
  • Triodos Impact Strategy Fund - Defensive
  • Triodos Impact Strategy Fund - Balanced
  • Triodos Impact Strategy Fund - Offensive
  • Triodos Impact Strategy Fund - Dynamic
Asset ClassesPrivate debt
Impact strategySustainable Food and Agriculture
Aligned with SDGs
  • No poverty

Founded in 2013, Ghana-based Farmerline has grown into a agri-tech market leader. The company helps to transform smallholder farmers into successful entrepreneurs by giving access to quality inputs, training and markets - tools they use to improve their income.

Through its farm management system Mergdata, Farmerline offers training to smallholder farmers in agricultural practices, knowledge transfer on smart use of agrochemicals and climate-resilient agricultural methods to help farmers increase their yields. Mergdata also sends weather information and provides crop insurance and other agronomic advice to thousands of farmers in their local language.

Furthermore, Farmerline ensures farmers are connected to (inter)national buyers through a trading platform. The company also provides financing for drought-resistant seeds and organic fertiliser through a dealer network.