Invested through |
Asset Classes | Listed equity & Corporate bonds |
Impact strategy | Impact Equities and Bonds |
Bloomberg ticker | ESSITYB SS |
ISIN code | XS2297177664 |
Aligned with SDGs |
Essity is a leading global hygiene and health company dedicated to improving human well-being through products and solutions essential for everyday life. The name Essity stems from the words essentials and necessities.
The company has three main business divisions: Consumer Tissue (38% of sales), Personal Care (38%) and Professional Hygiene (24%). It sells its products in approximately 150 countries under the leading global brands TENA and Tork (both ”billion-dollar brands”), and other strong brands, such as Jobst, Leukoplast, Libero, Libresse, Lotus, Nosotras, Saba, Tempo, Vinda (a leading Chinese consumer tissue ”billion-dollar brand” in which the group acquired a majority stake in 2013) and Zewa.
Investment rationale
Better hygiene and health are necessities for better lives. Through different projects the company aims to provide solutions that increase health and well-being. An example of such a project is the 'Essentials Initiative' in collaboration with the United Nations. It showcases new research, inspiring examples and possible solutions as well as the societal impacts that can be achieved if hygiene and health are prioritised in the decision-making processes of policy makers and caregivers, as well as private individuals. Besides, the group is targeting several emerging countries as key growth areas by focusing on solutions adapted to consumers with limited resources, thus magnifying the health impact.
The company also actively stimulates education and awareness about hygiene topics such as menstruation and incontinence, thereby contributing to dissipate taboos and stigmas. In 2018, it provided training in hygiene and health to more than 2.5 million children, women and men globally.
Essity is also committed to circularity, by minimizing its resource use and waste. The company runs multiple projects dedicated to recycling products and business model. Essity is a member of the Ellen MacArthur Foundation CE100. It aims to recycle and use 100% of its waste and bi-products by 2030 (vs. 60% today).
In total 100% of the revenues of the company is aligned with one or more Triodos Transitions. 72% of revenues is aligned with the Well-being transition and 28% of revenues is aligned with the Societal transition.
The contribution to the Well-being transition comes from 59% of revenues related to the impact objective Healthy Lifestyle, and 13% of revenues related to the impact objective Health Care.
The contribution to the Societal transition comes from 28% of revenues related to the impact objective Socioeconomic Advancement and Empowerment.