De Vreugdehoeve

Invested through
  • Triodos Groenfonds
Asset ClassesPrivate debt
Impact strategySustainable Food and Agriculture
Hectares of organic farmland68
Aligned with SDGs

De Vreugdehoeve is a sheep dairy farm in the municipality of Zwolle, the Netherlands. The sheep's milk is independently processed here into organic yogurt, cheese and even ice cream. It is a special company, because it is not only a farm, but also a coffee and tea room, ice cream parlor, and a shop with organic products. In addition, there is an information point in collaboration with the Natuurmonumenten foundation. With this, they want to teach visitors more about the origin of food. “We want everyone to realize that this delicious food comes from the Netherlands and not from Italy or France,” said Herman and Marianne van Assen, owners of De Vreugdehoeve.