PRI (Principles for Responsible Investing), the world’s leading proponent of responsible investing, has recently launched the 2020 UNPRI (United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment) Assessment Reports for its investor signatories. As a PRI signatory, Triodos Investment Management also received the 2020 Assessment Report and is pleased with, again, overall very good scores. In eight out of nine categories Triodos IM outperforms its peer groups and has even improved its own score further in some categories compared to last year.


 Triodos IMAverage
Strategy and governanceA+A
Listed equity - incorporationA+A
Listed equity - active ownershipAB
Fixed income - SSAAB
Fixed income - corporate financialA+B
Fixed income - corporate non-financialA+B
Fixed income - securitisedAB
Private equityA+A

The full 2020 Assessment Report of Triodos Investment Management can be found here.

The PRI works with its international network of over 3,200 signatories to put the six Principles for Responsible Investment into practice. Its goals are to understand the investment implications of environmental, social and governance issues and to support signatories in integrating these issues into investment and ownership decisions. The Assessment Report is designed to provide feedback to the signatories to support them in their ongoing learning and development in this regard.

More information about PRI and the Assessment reports can be found on their website: